SOUND THE ALARM! PROCLAIM GOOD NEWS! At TRUMPET CALL 2015, we will release a trumpet sound over our nation. The alarm alerts us to the dangers we face, and the opportunities we have to live out our Christian faith, and act by praying for our nations.  All around us things are being shaken – in our towns, cities, nation and the world. Our nation is in pain with abused children, broken families, lonely elderly persons, community tensions and young people with a sense of hopelessness. The Church is called to stand in the gap, and many are hungry to draw closer to God to see deep-rooted change in our communities.   As we watch international media coverage, …

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According to a recent survey, the average user spends approximately 42 minutes a day interacting with Facebook.  Most of us will invest those 42 minutes trawling through our newsfeed, looking at people’s photos and updates and willingly assigning a digital tick identifying our appreciation of our “friend’s” current achievements, whether they be a picture of their child’s latest faux pas, something nice their partner did for them that day or simply the fact they’ve just checked in at McDonalds in Wychbold. But ask the average person which candidate they’re going to assign their electoral tick to in the coming general election and you’ll be met with a smorgasbord of responses …

Election Hustings Read more »

3 – 13 MAY 2016 Rev Richard Wilde is considering a pilgrimage to Istanbul and the early churches of Asia. See the attached pdf.  Are you interested? The group he took to Greece in 2014 included several denominations and folk from his current and former churches but there was no one from any other church in Bromsgrove. You are asked to help Richard decide on the viability of this tour.  If you or any of your acquaintances may be interested in this tour please contact Richard on revricardwilde@gmail.comand indicate your interest.  This does not commit you, but it will be helpful to see whether a visit may be possible. For more information, see …

Pilgrimage to ISTANBUL and the EARLY CHURCHES of ASIA Read more »

INTRODUCTION TO THIS YEAR’S THEME 1. Who drinks of this water… Journey, scorching sun, tiredness, thirst … “Give me to drink.” This is a demand of all human beings. God, who becomes human in Christ (Jn 1:14) and empties himself to share our humanity (Philippians 2:6-7) is capable of asking the Samaritan woman: “Give me to drink” (Jn 4:7). At the same time, this God who comes to encounter us, offers the living water: “The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (Jn 4:14). The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman invites us to try water from a …

Christian Unity Week 2015 Read more »

Thanks ASDA– and your shoppers! Once again ASDA have come up trumps allowing us to collect food outside their store in the town. And once again the ASDA shoppers have responded to our pleas for tins and packets marvellously. We ended up with 30 crates jam packed with food that will be used to help create Christmas Hampers for young homeless people in our area. To read the full newsletter download it Newsletter No 9

INTRODUCTION TO THIS YEAR’S THEME This year’s theme comes to us from the Churches of French Canada. Canadians live in a country that is marked by diversity in language, culture, and even climate, and it also embodies diversity in expressions of Christian faith. Living with this diversity, but being faithful to Christ’s desire for the unity of his disciples, has led them to a reflection on Paul’s provocative question in 1 Corinthians, “Has Christ been divided?” In faith we respond, “No!” yet our church communities continue to endure scandalous divisions. 1 Corinthians also points us to a way in which we can value and receive the gifts of others even now …

Christian Unity Week Read more »